Peggie Arvidson
Although she'd been dabbling in the realm of palmistry since the 70s, it took her more than 30 years to get serious and invest the time, money and energy to become a certified hand analyst. As a teacher and guide her focus is giving you back all the tools you were born with to not only identify your life’s purpose, but to help you start living that purpose in every facet of your life. Peggie has watch amazing compassionate people hide their light and talents for fear of rejection. If you’re onto something world-changing, even if it seems “weird” to you, she will guide you to dig deeper. If you’re onto something that is simply a tool for hiding out, she will call you on that. To guide you back to the core of your being – your purpose -and show you precisely how to build your life around it. So you can live from that inner compass – magnificently. Peggie works with, tarot readers, reiki practitioners, therapists, astrologers, angel communicators, freelancers and healers of all types to give them specific insight and information to help their clients. In the process her clients get laser vision on what’s holding them back as well. Peggie offers private consultations, group classes, live seminars, teleclasses, e-books and other services. For more information about Peggie Arvidson, please visit her website at |