Julie Beischel, PhD
Julie Beischel, Director of Research at the Windbridge Institute for Applied Research in Human Potential, received her doctorate in Pharmacology and Toxicology with a minor in Microbiology and Immunology from the University of Arizona in 2003 where she later served as the William James Post-doctoral Fellow in Mediumship and Survival Research and Co-Director of the VERITAS Research Program until that program closed at the end of 2007. At that time, she and her husband Mark Boccuzzi founded the Windbridge Institute in order to continue performing important research on phenomena including the continuation of consciousness after death and the experiences of and information reported by psychic mediums (individuals who experience regular communication with the dead). The Windbridge Institute is currently based in Tucson, Arizona, but the research participants with whom the investigators work are located all over the country. Dr. Beischel is a full member of the Society for Scientific Exploration (SSE) and the Parapsychological Association (PA). She serves on the scientific advisory boards of the Rhine Research Center (RRC), the Forever Family Foundation (FFF), and the Association for Evaluation and Communication of Evidence for Survival (AECES) and was elected to the SSE council (2011-2014). Her work has been presented at scientific meetings of the SSE, the PA, the RRC, the FFF, the Society for the Anthropology of Consciousness, and the International Society for the Study of Subtle Energies and Energy Medicine as well as the Toward a Science of Consciousness and Alternative Expressions of the Numinous conferences. Her research has been published in peer-reviewed journals including Explore: The Journal of Science and Healing, Journal of Parapsychology, Journal of Scientific Exploration, Transpersonal Psychology Review, and Australian Journal of Parapsychology and she contributed a chapter with co-authors Adam Rock and Stanley Krippner for the two-volume text, Altering Consciousness: Multidisciplinary Perspectives. For more information or to make contact with Julie or The Windbridge Institute, please visit this website http://www.Windbridge.org. |