Donna Cunningham
Donna Cunningham has been an astrologer for 40 years, so if you were born in 1968 or after, she was watching the skies when you were born, trying to figure out what you’d be like when you grew up. Before she fell in love with astrology, Donna earned a master’s degree in social work from Columbia University. She has counseled people about life challenges ever since. But social work is also about how we blend with our society, how we’re affected by the social and cultural milieu we live in, and how we cope with society’s institutions, structures, rules, and dysfunctions. Donna brings that broader perspective to her astrological insights by observing what happens as the slower-moving planets pass through the zodiac. As each of the outer planets passes through a sign, major social institutions are permanently altered, and we’re challenged to contend with those shifts. Her specialty has been in helping people to understand and deal with the way the world is evolving while still remaining true to their core self. When Donna was born, Uranus was in Gemini, Neptune was in Virgo, and Pluto was in Leo. Now Uranus is around the wheel in Aries, Neptune is in Aquarius/going on Pisces, and Pluto has just popped into Capricorn for a long, long stay. The outer planets have covered a lot of zodiacal ground in that time, so she has watched society do a lot of changing and people right along with it. Donna did charts and counseled lots of individuals for a very long time, but it was always her mission to reach out to the broader world with the insights astrology makes possible. Fortunately, the Creator also gave her the gift of writing—and the grit to work hard at polishing it until the writing could speak to anyone who’d read it. She has written 19 books, over a thousand articles, and 15 years of Dell Horoscope Magazine’s Dear Abbey type advice column. For more information about Donna Cunningham, please visit her website at For your convenience, we are listing Donna Cunningham's books that are available at Be sure to pick up one or more of these fascinating books right now to read for yourself or to give as a thoughtful gift.